Sunday, May 24, 2009

Good News on the Meds

Hi Friends,

If you read my last blog I shared about my concern taking depression meds and their possible spiritual effects on me. I am experiencing a numbness emotionally due to the meds and really desire to get off of them. The good news is I feel at peace about taking the drugs and don't believe there is a spiritual stronghold in taking them. My holistic Doc. has treated over 70 patients with depression and has been successful in 80% of them being able to come off the meds within a 3 to 6 month period. This was very encouraging. I may get free from this numbness yet.

We are heading to the Sequoia's tomorrow as a family to check out camping sites for a future trip or trips. Hope all is well with you and your family.

His blesses,


1 comment:

Melanie said...

I hope you still feel like laughing.

We introduced our friends to the Kelly Rosenthal school of Dominoes (Pastor cap "off"). I thought the neighbors would call the police because we were laughing so loud and so long. Come to think of it, our friend is a cop and had his squad car out front so...

If life gets too serious, I could send you some clips of Bret doing his dances to various TV Theme songs and Commercials... Come to think of it, with your suspect morals in regards to Dominoes I'm not sure I wouldn't end up living with the next YouTube sensation.

All joking aside, I know you're trusting in His love, not how you're feeling about all this. Hang in there bro, and you too Gabriela. We think of you guys so very often. I can't wait for the day we are all together again. I hope that when we are, you'll be able to see how much of an impact the Lord has made in our lives even in that short time we had in CdA together. You are always in my prayers

Love and blessings,