Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hello dear family and friends,

Kelly went to our infectious disease doctor yesterday. We asked if the increase of inflammation in the durum was a sign that the fungal medication might not be reaching the sight. Our doctor said that that could be possible but that he felt the increase in inflammation was due to the fact that Kelly's immune system has been built up and is now simply fighting harder. Time will tell.
These next few weeks will be very telling. Kelly has a bone marrow biopsy on Wednesday and the first week in Dec. he will have a CT scan to check his lungs and sinus for fungus and an MRI to check the durum in this head to see if there is any improvement. Once we have collected all that information we will need to make a decision regarding what is next for treatment.
Of course our hope is that God will have used the nutritional supplements that Kelly has been taking to greatly help Kelly's body to do some self healing. Ultimately our hope is, as has always been, in God. We believe that God is healing Kelly.

Right now our prayer continues to be that the fungus will die off and that Kelly's bone marrow will be restored to produce healthy, mature white blood cells. We also continue to pray for direction with regards to treatment.

I am also praying about the work that Jesus in doing in our lives personally. I am convinced that every situation in life holds opportunity for us to grow in our Christ likeness and that it is His desire that we come into greater and greater freedom. I am excited about the future ministry opportunities that God is preparing us for now. Please pray for us that we would be willing participants in the work God is doing in us and not resist Him or miss the opportunities by being too distracted by "life" things.

Please also pray for Kelly today. His sinuses are really bothering him. We don't know if he is fighting a cold or if the fungus is acting up. He sees an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor this afternoon to check it out.

We love and appreciated all your prayers and concern. Sincerely, Gabriela

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I know that this might not be an encouragement, but as I head out on the Men's Retreat to Catalina, at least you don't have to go this time!
fond memories of you on Dramamine.
We are praying for you & family.
Lots of Love,
Ron & Deborah Berger