Friday, November 16, 2007


We received a call from our infectious disease specialist who said that after looking at Kelly's MRI he realized that the issue in the durum was worse then he had thought it was after only reading the report. He feels that an much more aggressive treatment is needed at this time. He wants Kelly to go back on the original fungal medicine, Amphataracine. Kelly said that this medication is far worse then Chemo. Dr.Lutz wants Kelly to be on it for a month, every day. It is a daily 3 hour infusion process.

Well, you can imagine that this was not good news and very frustrating. Kelly feels strongly that he doesn't want to go back on this med., (Last time he was on it, it damaged his kidneys and made him feel horrible.). Kelly also believes that since there is not definite evidence it is the fungus that is effecting the durum, he doesn't want to be treated with guess work.

The only way to know for sure what is going on is through a pathology which can only happen if they open Kelly's skull and the doctors have said that it is too much of a risk. Both our infectious disease specialist and Oncologist are on the same page as to what they feel we need to do at this point.

The Oncologist also felt that it was vital that Kelly feel confident about the course of treatment and that it would be a good idea and helpful to get another opinion. So... we are being sent to San Jose to see a specialist with Mucor Micosis.

We were also told that Kelly's blood counts look great!!!(Thank you Jesus!)Indicating that he is likely still in remission and this gives us some breathing room to address the fungus issues. The Oncologist also said that it would be a good idea to go and see a Leukemia specialist at Stanford at some point.

We feel good about these decisions and feel peace and confidence in the Lord. He is in control of EVERYTHING! and we praise Him for it.
Thank you again for your prayers! Please pray for direction, God's internal work in our hearts, like mindedness and of course healing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly and Gabriela,

"He will not fear evil tidings, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord". This is my prayer for you two tonight. May God use this diffulty to greatly transform you both, as well as your children.

Rich and Adele

Cheralyn Nichols said...

Hi Kelly and Gabriela,
I just found out about your blog spot from Kim Palermo and I read the story about the older lady that prayed with you. Wow! I too have been praying and have sensed from the Lord that this is only temporary and that he will be glorified through this. There is so much to pray for but I am confident that God is in total control. We miss you are loved.

Paul said...

Kelly and Gabriela -
We continue to pray for you. Keep trusting Jesus - He will not let you down.
The Martins

Anonymous said...

Praying that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We love you and miss you all!

Anonymous said...

We send our love. We hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving -- even in the midst of this. He is good and His love endures forever.
The Low family

Anonymous said...

Heyyy uncle kelly and aunt gabriela its brittany and rachel....we just wanted to say hi and we hope your thanksgiving was a good as it could be...we are still praying for your guys and hope that your faith in god with help prevail in this....I (brittany) and aunt betty are going to try and make it up to visit u guys in a couple weeks...I wrote uncle kelly a letter about 2 weeks ago and sent apicture along...I know he has been busy with everything but I wanted to make sure u got it....much love

Brittany and rachel

Anonymous said...


I am keeping your updates printed in the bulletin on Sundays so that CBC can pray in a current manner. I'm so glad you have the blog spot. We are praying for you very regularly.

Brittany Rose said...

HeY uncle kelly and aunt gabriella its your nieces brittany and rachel just stopping by to say hi and we are prraying your you and your family everyday..much love hugs and kisses