Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hello dear family and friends,
What a crazy and exhausting couple of months. Kelly's MRI showed that he has Mastoiditis, an infection in his mastoids. Exactly where are the mastoids, I don't know except that they are in our heads/ sinus area.

ANYWAY... on Friday Kelly had tubes put into his ears to help him hear better since the aftermath of cranial radiation caused inflammation in the tissue of his head and the fluids were not able to drain or flow properly preventing him from hearing well and also the reason for an infection in the Mastoid area. Some of the fluid was drained and his hearing improved. That's the good news... the bummer news is that now Kelly is dealing with continued fatigue, head aches, general yuckiness from the chemo, dizziness from the fluid adjustment in his head.

I am sure you can only imagine how difficult this has been on him. He has spent days in bed. I have to share with you how very amazed I am by this man I get to be married to and also amazed to see how God is using this suffering to do His good work in Kelly. The stripping process is painful but, "What Satan intends for our destruction, God will (and is) use it for our good and His glory!

Kelly went to work today and was able to take time to rest in the incredible recliner the church bought for him and is pretty much done and straight to bed when he comes home.

I am beyond tired but so encouraged by what the Lord is stirring in Kelly as well as what He is stirring in me. Oh how I love that He is always at work. Thank You Jesus!

Prayer requests
1. God's will to be accomplished both physically and spiritually

2. Kelly's healing and regaining of strength

3. The work of undoing and breaking yolks to continue, (Is. 58) Please read if you are unfamiliar with it. It will help you in knowing how to pray for us!

4. My health (There are traces of blood in my urine and I am being scheduled for a CAT scan this week or next.

Thank you is not enough expression... We love and appreciate all of you who lift us up before our Father. God bless you!
Sincerely, Gabriela


Anonymous said...

Hola Gabriela:
Como quisiera poder estar ahi y ayudarte con los ninios para que tengas un momento de descanso y recuperes la energia para seguir con la batalla diaria.
Le pido a Dios que la sangre en la orina no sea nada de preocupacion y que le regrese la energia a Kelly y que los dolores de cabeza y sintomas de la quimioterapia desaparezcan.
Saludos a todos y que Dios los siga bendiciendo.
Los quiere Laura A.

Detwilers said...

Thanks so much for keeping us updated. We'll keep praying for your whole family. Thanks for the specific items to pray for. We love you guys!

We moved my (Kristina's) grandma in with us last month. She's 92--my mother's mom. It's been a very good thing. She is so close to accepting the Lord as her savior! It was my mother's prayer that the Lord would not take Nana until she was ready--and Nana wonders why she just keeps on living and living! Anyway, she never let my mom talk to her about God, but she's been opening up to me these last two years since she's been in Post Falls. There's been a lot of pain from her childhood shoved deep down. It's so exciting to see God drawing her out and healing these deep wounds. This morning she told me that she used to think this religion thing was so complicated, but now she's starting to see how simple it really is :).

God is at work healing people inside and out. May He continue to heal Kelly and do the great work He has started and will be faithful to finish in all your lives!

Lots of love,
The Detwilers

Anonymous said...

Kelly & Gabriela,
Just a note to let you know that I'm still checking on you guys - you will always be life time friends.
Next door neighbor moved all the rocks from the side opposite your old drive way (on the west end of your old house) but there was one large one he couldn't remove. I had to laugh out loud - just imagining Kelly bringing all of those in.
Reading a book called "How to Save Your Marrige Alone" by Ed Wheat. There is a lot of stuff out there that leaves hope off and assumes God is powerless. Ed's book is anything but that - good stuff.
Lightly pursuing Joni - to be careful not to make her afraid - and realizing like Cancer that only God can save.
Yours in Christ,

Kenneth Connelly
Hayden, ID
(208) 691-1203