Hi friends,
God has been so gracious through so many of you. In my last update I shared that I was released from my Pastoral position at New Harvest. Right after that the Leukemia kicked up and set me back physically. Then Gabriela had a flu that lasted two weeks. I then caught it and it turned into Bronchitis. The three of these aliments kept me down until March. Yes March. It was very touch and go for me dropping my weight from 200 lbs to 165 lbs. Gabriela was a great nurse, school teacher, and mother during all this. It was God's strength that kept her going. I won't even mention the kid's illness during this 4 months. Thankfully, we are all out of the woods and doing well.
The amazing thing is that through this time of not being able to work, God saw to it that we were cared for through many of our friends. Out of nowhere we started receiving cards and monetary gifts from people we ministered with over 10 years ago. A neighbor's brother who I have only talked to 3 times over the fence, walked up to Gabriela handing her 20 $100 bills saying God told him to give this to us (how often does that happen?) Well it's been happening. Many of you were prompted to send gifts. At first is was very difficult and humbling. People have done my yards, cleaned our house while sending the family on a date, dropped off food items, and loved us in many ways. We praise God for all of you.
The amazing and exciting thing is our expenses have been covered for the last 5 months. I added up all the gifts and...get ready for this...it totaled what I would have earned if I was still working at the church. Gabriela and I just sat on the couch crying and praising God. We sense God is tell us, "It's time for a sabbatical to rest and heal. I have your needs covered." I had no choice through the sickness, I couldn't work, but now being well, we hear God saying wait and rest.
So that's what I'm doing. We have found a church to invest ourselves called Mountain View Community Church. The kids love it and are making friends and being challenged spiritually. They are asking a lot of good questions. Sarah had her first "word from the Lord" last week. She was upset and angry at her siblings, so she sat on her bed and opened her Bible. It opened to Psalms 4. Her eye focused on verse 4 - 5, "Be angry, and do not sin, ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Offer right sacifices, and put your trust in the Lord." This was her first time to experience God's personal word to her situation through the Bible. She shared it with a new sense of interest in God and the Bible. This excites me being concerned that my kids will see Christianity as something we do instead of a relationship we live. This is an answered prayer - "Thank You, Father!"
Finally, I will leave you with a ministry idea I am praying about developing. I would like to serve God using my shepherding gift as a Pastoral Care provider. I am not a licensed counselor, but I have worked years with married couples, those engaged, and families that have loss loved ones. I sense God's smile and my cup is full in these ministry situation. Pray with me about creating a ministry that provides Pastoral Care and Guidance to couples and families. Many smaller churches don't have the staff to meet these needs and Funeral Homes often have families without a church affiliation that I could offer this ministry. I would also market the ministry in the community and through people that know me. I would be a 50C3 that would offer tax deductions for support and services. I'm still in the "dreaming" state, but have written up a proposal that I am submitting to a ministry board that would act as my 50C3 umbrella. I am praying as I go - listening for the Lord to release me to further develop this ministry or however His leads. I would appreciate your prayers as well.
Again, a long update. From the Rosenthal's to all of you - thank you for standing in the gap for us in prayer. Thank you to many that have graciously sacrificed and shared financially with us. We are touched deeply and our faith is growing. God smiles at His church being the His hands and feet.
We love you,
krosenthal62@att.net - Kelly
kngplus4@sbcglobal.net - family
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