Much has and is going on with the Rosenthal family and I thought it time to update our friends. We would welcome and ask for your prayers. Here’s a brief bullet point update:
• In October of 2010 I was released from employment from New Harvest Church. It was a surprise for us and was sudden. I clearly see God’s hand in releasing me from NHC. Gabriela and I prayed for God to do something over a year ago and we see this as God opening the door to a new assignment. We just don’t have that direction yet and feel a need for healing.
• In November 2010, Gabriela and I joined Kingdom Ministries for a teaching seminar in Honolulu, Hawaii at the YWAM training center. We assisted Kingdom Ministries in their prayer seminars and worked with student missionaries as they prepared for one of 3 missions. It was a great time to get away and minister in a beautiful setting.
• Medically I thought I received a physical healing from the Lord. In faith I felt prompted to discontinue my chemo and depression meds and all was well. While in Hawaii, my health declined and once returned to the mainland, blood work showed that the Leukemia was (not original ALL, but a different type of Leukemia – CMML) had elevated my white counts to an alarming 168,000 (normal 10,000). Confused by the healing I understood, I started my chemo meds and now back into safe levels and feeling well. We are trusting the Lord though we don’t understand the healing received and the return of the Leukemia. This too has been a painful reality.
The family is well. Kids all continuing being home schooled by their fantastic mother and doing well. We all just returned from a vacation planned last year to the Tahoe area. We joined our friends the Johnson’s from Yucaipa, Ca and the Delisle’s from Ripon, CA. There were 14 kids from 3 to 15 and 6 adults in a large mountain cabin in Strawberry, CA. The snow was great and we built a toboggan run where the kids sled for hours. We had a great week in community including great meals, worship/devotions and a lot of fun and play. These families are family to us and the kids are best of friends. This was another wonderful time for healing and reflection.
• Spiritually, we are growing, looking for a church home and planning to meet again with our small group. The kids have discovered a devotional tool called SHAPE as a way to read through the Bible in a year with daily journaling. I am very encouraged by the spiritual interest of Andrew, Sarah , Brianna and even Anneliese. I am praying for the day that their faith moves from following mom and dad to becoming their personal walk with Jesus. We all are waiting on the Lord to see what my next assignment will be and it’s developing our prayer life and faith as God faithfully provides and directs.
• Job wise, there is nothing on the horizon. I really don’t know how God is leading and have little desire to pastor at this time. I still am doing premarital counseling with couples, but need some time to heal before jumping back into ministry. I would like to move towards a counseling profession, but will need further education. Presently I have started two home businesses to pull in a little money to extend our saving as I look for full-time employment. I am making crosses for Disciple’s Cross, selling them either locally or selling them to the company to fill their orders. You can learn more about the story behind the business at If you would like to order any crosses from me, they make great gifts and I sell them wholesale at $5 each. In stores the cost is $10 to $15 dollars. Contact me at if interest. The company can’t make enough of them.
Secondly, I have just become a representative for Fortune Hi Tech Marketing advertizing companies and products through the web through a personal webpage where friends and family can purchase products from major companies and pay for services like Dish Network or their cell phone/internet monthly services. By using my website these Companies give Fortunes a piece of their advertizing budget and Fortunes pays me. This type of relational advertizing is making big money and Fortune is a reputable company. Several key Christian leaders and many pastors in Fresno are involved in this venture and have built a great support team to broaden the scope of this business helping many people earn additional income in this economically difficult time. Fortune paid incentives to introduce others to join the network and create this “web kiosks” to sell products and services that most people are using every day. I would love it if you would consider purchasing or paying for existing services through our website. It will help the Rosenthal family financially keep our home as I look for full-time employment. If you would like to know more about helping us or becoming a Fortune representative please email me at It would be a great blessing to me and my family if you would inquire. It’s simple and would provide you a kick-back on your regular expenses and make you some additional money.
God is very good, actually the greatest good and we daily are finding grace and hope in His Word, through prayer and a few wonderful friends. Please pray for our hearts to heal, a local job to allow us to keep our home, and continued healing from Leukemia. Pray for my children’s continued emotional and spiritual growth and a sincere faith in Jesus. I am thankful that Gabriela and I grow closer and stronger through trial, but pray for wisdom and endurance as we seek the Lord, lead our family and continue to minister as the Lord directs.
That’s my lengthy update…thanks for your interest and prayers,
Thank you for sharing Kelly! We miss your family so much and you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. What a beautiful picture of you and Gabriela in Hawaii. I will be checking out the websites for you new businesses. Blessings to you, Kristi
Kelly & Gabriella, we will be praying for you.
Kelly and Gabriella,
I am devastated at your news. My prayers will continue for you but will now include asking God to provide Kelly with a full time job. It will take time to heal from the unjust release from employment. May all of you continue to pursue and trust in God. He will provide and direct you. And I will continue to pray for complete physical healing from leukemia for Kelly. I love you all!
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