Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Note from Kelly

I sit at my keyboard just whelmed by the presence of God that has enveloped me through your prayers and encouragement. Your blog comments touch me so much. God is transforming my heart through you. I have never known such a trial or such love. You all are beautiful expressions of Jesus. I have cancer, but it so much not about the cancer. This is about God being God and His church being a family. It is so inspiring to me. I exalt in the Lord and the mightiness of His character and the power of His Word, and His faithfulness to His children!!! I am whelmed by His presence and love you all.
For His Glory, Kelly


Anonymous said...

That's my man... Can you all see why I am in love with this man? What a blessed woman I am!

Anonymous said...

Querida Gabriela, me acabo de enterar por la tia Eugenia de lo que esta pasando.
Mis oraciones y las de muchos catolicos atraves del mundo estan con ustedes.

Cristo nunca pecó pero asumió el sufrimiento humano y nos redimió abrazando la cruz hasta la muerte.

"Desde entonces comenzó Jesús a manifestar a sus discípulos que él debía ir a Jerusalén y sufrir mucho de parte de los ancianos, los sumos sacerdotes y los escribas, y ser matado y resucitar al tercer día" Mateo 16,21, Cf. Mc 8,31, Lc 9,22.

Jesús nos enseña a tomar nuestra cruz y seguirle. Entonces dijo Jesús a sus discípulos: "Si alguno quiere venir en pos de mí, niéguese a sí mismo, tome su cruz y sígame". Mateo 16,24

Señor Jesucristo, que para redimir a los hombres y sanar a los enfermos quisiste asumir nuestra condición humana, mira con piedad a Kelly, que está enfermo y necesita ser curado en el cuerpo y en el espíritu.

Reconfórtalo con tu poder para que levante su ánimo y pueda superar todos sus males; y, ya que has querido asociarlo a tu Pasión redentora, haz que confíe en la eficacia del dolor para la salvación del mundo.

Tú que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

Con todo mi cariño, Maru Courtney Alves (619)287-0582

Anonymous said...

You´ve always been loved and respected by everyone you´ve touched. God gave you that special gift. Imagine us as your mom and dad in law how lucky and blessed we feel to have you as our son!
I really think that God is going to use this illness to bring many people who struggle with disbelief closer to Him.
I´m very sorry I can´t be there for you at this time. My eye surgery didn´t quite turn out as expected. The retina got detached in another spot. I go this afternoon to see if I´m going to need another surgery.
Just know you and yours are in our prayers constantly.
God bless and protect you always.
We love you lots and lots. Mom

Anonymous said...

Kelly, Hang in there brother....we're pullin for you and prayin for you. My sons have been in Kids Church with a couple of your kids and prayed last night for them...short and sweet that God would bless them with peace through this time. We are blessed to have you at New Harvest. We'll continue to join in prayer with so many others praying for your healing. And yes, Gabriela, we can clearly see why you love this man. Gotta run...Craig Bowden