Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I'm down to my college weight...WOW!!

Hi Friends,

We apologize for not being better at updating and are so overwhelmed by the number of you that regularly read this and pray for us. It amazes me...it shouldn't because we are the body of Christ, but it does. Thank you for dropping us a line of encouragement on the blog.

Yes it is true! I have dropped to my College and Air Force weight of 197. I have to admit I don't have the same College physic. The worst is having a sagging butt. I never had to ware a belt, but did for fashion etiquette. Now if I don't ware a belt my pants fall off. It is actually quite humorous to look at myself with the newly added scar from the lobectomy. Maybe it's the loss of my lower lobe that broke that 200 lb. mark (joking).

The surgery went well and after a week of rest, I'm winded, but feeling able to work a bit. They graciously allow me to come into the office and look busy. I have a wonderful church family. Today was a difficult day emotionally and I was able to breakdown with the pastoral staff and they just loved on me, spoke truth, and help me further process the grieving process as I deal with the temporary loss of strength and stamina. I am so appreciative for them...just amazing men. In sharing this with Gabriela, she cried with gratitude that the Lord brought to this church to walk this journey. It's all and more than I could hope for.

The kids are doing well. Andrew loves to read and is starting the Narnia Series. Sarah is finding her place at school and struggling a bit social. She is so strong and can be overwhelming to her playmates. Please pray for her adjustment. Brianna with her beautiful curl always wants to plaster her hair flat and part it down the middle, (oh, that 70's look, yuck.) She is probably too influenced by her Barbie Princess videos. I need to write them and ask for a curly haired princess in there next product line. And Annaliese...as cute as can be learning too quickly from having older sibling all the bad habits as well as the good ones. All and all their are enjoying life and pray for "papa" everyday. They are a delight!

Gabriela is my best friend and a jewel of godliness and support. She is feeling God's comfort in some neat ways that I'll let her share with you. Her mom is flying in from Mexico for a visit tomorrow which is always a blessing.

Regarding our next segment in this journey, I meet with my oncologist this week and we with set up a start date and regiment of chemo treatments. The concern is the remaining bits of fungus in my lungs and head. Starting chemo could aloud the fungus to grow and spread. The hope is this new medication will keep the fungus in check and we can get through the chemo and find remission. Pray that this will be the case.

Again, thanks for the prayers and encourage. It means more than you know.

Love - Kelly


Anonymous said...

Dear Brother,

I know that I have been silent these months, but I do check the blog several times every day (seriously!) and pray for you regularly. You, Gabriela and the kids are never far from my mind and you are ALWAYS on our Father's heart.

With love, respect and prayers,
Beth Larivee

Anonymous said...

Go God! I've been praying for support for you and Gabriella as well as healing. I'm keeping Carrie, Jeff and others in CG updated so they can pray for you too. Too often I've seen God take an extra dose of grace and show his presnece to my patients, and I see He's doing the same for you and your family! Ryan and I are praying for you!

Lauri and Ryan Ficke

PS - if you're taking posiconizole (a white liquid to kill the fungus) - make sure you have something fatty that doesn't make you nauseated in your belly when you take that med. Your body doesn't absorb the med otherwise.

Paul said...

Thanks for updating us, Kelly. We continue to gladly pray for you and the family. We love you, brother!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling me about your blog; I feel sort of caught up on what you all have been through this summer while I was traveling with the kids. What an incredible testimony of trusting the Lord you both have! God is using you through this to bless the rest of us. Thanks.
I am a tech novice, so I didn't even know people did blogs like this. :)

Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear from you Kelly! Happy to hear about your family and ways we can pray for them. I am humbled by your devotion and total dependance on our Father.

In Him,
chrissy fitch

Anonymous said...

Kelly & Gabriela

Bendito y Alabado sea Nuestro Señor que nos lleva de la mano durante el sufrimiento.
Que bueno es ver que Kelly tiene la fuerza para compartirnos su sentir y su gran FE y amor por nuestro Señor.

Cristo nunca pecó pero asumió el sufrimiento humano y nos redimió abrazando la cruz hasta la muerte.

"Desde entonces comenzó Jesús a manifestar a sus discípulos que
él debía ir a Jerusalén y sufrir mucho de parte de los ancianos, los sumos sacerdotes y los escribas, y ser matado y resucitar al tercer día" Mateo 16,21, Cf. Mc 8,31, Lc 9,22.

"Si alguno quiere venir en pos de mí, niéguese a sí mismo, tome su cruz y sígame". Mateo 16,24

Me da tambien mucho gusto que mi Tia Guera pueda acompañarlos y me imagino que sera una gran fuente para subir el animo.

Denle por favor a ella tambien todo mi amor

Sigo en Vista, Ca. a sus ordenes en lo que pueda ayudar, la tia Eugenia tiene todos mis datos.

Un beso

Maru Courtney y Familia

Anonymous said...

Porque estimo que los sufrimientos del tiempo presente no son comparables con la gloria que se ha de manifestar en nosotros. Romanos 8,18

Pues, así como abundan en nosotros los sufrimientos de Cristo, igualmente abunda también por Cristo nuestra consolación. Si somos atribulados, lo somos para consuelo y salvación vuestra; si somos consolados, lo somos para el consuelo vuestro, que os hace soportar con paciencia los mismos sufrimientos que también nosotros soportamos. Es firme nuestra esperanza respecto de vosotros; pues sabemos que, como sois solidarios con nosotros en los sufrimientos, así lo seréis también en la consolación.
II Corintios 1,5-7

Maru Courtney y Familia

Anonymous said...


Good to hear you're doing okay and that God is real in your lives. Praise His name for your church!
Our offer remains. If you need anything, give us a call. We'll drop everything to help.
I'll try to be in touch more, but it's hard to know when caring becomes an irritant for a person who is getting lots of calls and is in physical recovery.

Your bro, Miles

Anonymous said...

Kelly - Thank you so much for the update. We continue to pray for you and your family

Margaret said...

Hi Kelly and Gabriella,

Well, I awakened tonight praying for my son, Michael, afterwhich the Lord brought you all to my mind. I remembered the blog and so here I sit at 2:34, am catching up.

I want to send you my love and tell you that many of your friends have not forgotten you. While I am no longer at Trinity either, I ran into someone the other day who brought their heartfelt concerns regarding your family into our conversation.

You are all greatly loved and cared for by many you have touched through your journey. Please know you are being remembered in prayer by those that you may not even recall. Isn't it wonderful how our Lord intervenes?

I am so glad you are being held up by such good friends at your church. While I feel great dispair at what you are having to go through, I am so encouraged that you are surrounded by kind, helpful and loving people.

Be strong. Don't relent in your battle. I will pray for you all tonight. Kelly, I pray for your complete and total healing and for the supply of all of your needs, especially for financial provision and Gabriella's strength. May you both experience joy and peace in the midst of this storm. May the blessings overcome the hardships, my friends. Please take care and feel very loved.

In Him,

Margaret Rippetue

Anonymous said...


It is encouraging to hear about the bright parts of your life (wife,kids, and church family) amidst your physical fight, as well as your genuiness. God bless you all! 197 in college?? Are you sure??? I think it was more like 180..........
Continuing to pray in Pampa..

Anonymous said...

Kelly & Gabriela,
I'm sure you will both be able to declare "I have fought the good fight....". I so admire your honesty, humility, bravery and most of all the deep trust in our Great JEHOVAH you bear witness to. May He continue to be your shield, tower of refuge, and well from which to draw your resources for your daily needs. With much love and continued prayers........Jackie