Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Good NEWS...Clear Biopsy!!!!

Hi Friends,

I have an appointment with an infectious disease doc in San Jose to give us a second opinion on how to address the swelling in the brain dura. My last MRI showed no change for better or worst. The doc here just doesn't know what the answer is to treating this. We don't know if it's the fungal infection or something else and there is no way of really knowing without brain surgery which we agree would be foolish at this time. I am not having any physical symptoms from this swelling so hopefully this specialist in San Jose will have some direction to give us.

I also had a bone marrow biopsy a week ago and unofficially was told that the preliminary results show that the bone marrow is "clear" of cancer. We don't know exactly what that means, but it definitely means that we are in remission. The bone marrow being clear of Leukemia means that the cancer is not being produced in my body. It's possible that it could mean that I don't have Leukemia cells in the blood and at present I am cancer free!!! This would be great goods and I won't find out until next week when I see the Oncologist. Praise God. My last biopsy in August showed that the cancer was present but hadn't increased since my diagnosis. I haven't had any chemo sense that biopsy because of the fungal situation and the surgeries. I personally believe that the food supplements I was on put my body in a self healing mode. God created our body to fight diease when there is a proper nutritional balance in the body. For the 6 weeks before the biopsy I was taking high doses of these supplements because other people had given testimony that their bodies experienced similar results with cancer. We are in awe!!!

We are so thankful for the prayers, encouragement, and support that many have given us. We are not out of the woods completely, but seeing the meadow of healing ahead. God is amazing in the way He created us. We are feeling very blessed and loved. REJOICE WITH US and give God PRAISE for His marvelous grace!

We will report on today's appointment and the doc's advice. Keep praying for us. It was hard to get use to the idea of cancer and possible death. It's seem hard to see life as a cancer survivor. We don't have that prognosis yet, but pondering the hope feels so odd at present. Can I begin to hope, dream, plan our lives again? What additional stewardship would the Lord ask of us? I can't express what feeling such hope brings to my soul.

We love you all,



Anonymous said...

Hi Kel,

Have been checking daily for news of your condition, and I'm celebrating with you and Gabriela on hearing the wonderful, encouraging news!! I will continue to pray until you're out of the woods, and then I'll go back to praying that you'll just behave yourself. Sending hugs to you and Gabriela and the little ones. Rejoice, rejoice. Pamp

Ron Berger said...

I'm not a doctor or the son of a doctor but my personal thought is that you need an upgrade on your skull size. If that is not possible then try not thinking. That works for me most of the time.

We rejoice with you & keep you in our prayers!
Ron & Deborah

Anonymous said...


Great news! You and your family are an inspiration. We keep praying! God bless---------

Anonymous said...

Praise God.
the Low family