Friday, December 7, 2007

Doc...amazed and calls me a poster child!

Hi Friends,

We traveled to San Jose and met with Dr. David Stephen, an Infectious Disease M.D. He and another doc spent over 2 hours with us. He was frankly amazed when he saw me expecting a emaciated sickly person and instead seeing a health looking person. You honestly wouldn't know I was sick with a deadly infection. The fungal infection I had in the lungs and sinus is one, if not the worst, fungal infection you can get and is often fatal. He told us that my case was one of the more complicated cases he has seen. He basically said I should be dead if not very sick. He used the word miraculous to describe my present condition (Your prayers are responsible for that - thank you!!).

The infection in the lungs and sinus is clearing up well. The brain dura's infection is in line with my sinus, so it is pretty clear that my swelling is due to the infection crossing into my dura. It's isolated away from the nervous system and not in the brain. It seems to be contained and not progressing at this time. Mucor is a very fast moving infection and would have been much worst if something wasn't restricting it. The thought is the medicine and my immune system are working well. I believe the Lord's gracious hand is also at work.

The course of action is to continue on the medicine while the Doc is seeing if he can test my original "bug" with the Ambizone (a drug I was on that was worst than any chemo I received) would be helpful to take with the present medicine to fight this infection faster. He is also testing how much absorption the medicine is actually getting into the blood system. I have increased the medicine and now wait.

I am experiencing some neck discomfort and head pressure which acts as a reminder that I am dependent on the Lord. The Doc says I will probably need to be on anti fungal therapy (drugs) for a year. Gabriela keeps reminding me that the Lord gave us a "word" that I would be completely healed by March (read earlier blog entry about Violet Huckleberry and Claudia Eller). It would clearly be the hand of God to see this all cleared up by March 2008. Then the question for us is what does this mean. Do we continue to pursuit a bone marrow transplant? The chemo regiment? or just continue with the supplements and dietary changes?

Please pray with us as we seek God's voice. We believe He will speak and guide us. He always has in the big decisions of our lives. How does He want to bring glory to Himself though this? That's what we are seeking to know clearly. THANK YOU FOR PRAYING AND ENCOURAGING US.

Love you all,


Oh, went back to the gym for the first time in 8 months. It was painful and will be tomorrow, but so good for my soul. I praise God for His grace and presence!


Anonymous said...

We praise God for His goodness to you and continue to pray for your family.

We will continue to lift you up and pray for complete healing.

Gabriela, may you have a blessed birthday!

Todd and Jennifer George

Brittany Rose said...

uncle kelly,
i totally know how it feels to be sick and hurt without knowing all thats wrong. its been almost 3 months since my accedent and now the doctor belives my back is broken. its not a very fun thing to hear when your 20 years old. im so excited for you and your healing i ask that you pray for me to a speedy recovery just like u. i miss everyone

love brittany

Anonymous said...

Yet another reason to rejoice during this season of hope and joy! We are so excited to see God's hand active in your lives...... We serve a mighty God.

Miss and love you......

chrissy fitch

Anonymous said...

Still praying that con't to improve. Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas...

The Wise Guys