Monday, December 17, 2007

We Wait...

Hi Friends,

We hope your holiday is filled with peace. We are continually feeling His peace and it's because of how gracious our God is and because of your prayers and encouragement. Thank you...

We are at a waiting point in my recovery. Our Oncologist wouldn't really comment on the cleared Biopsy. He doesn't want us to abort the chemo treatment and feels the present remission will not last and the Leukemia will return. He would not comment on the differences between the remission in August where the cancer was present but not advancing to the present cleared results showing that there are no Leukemia cells in the biopsy. This was disappointing, but I understand his position and medical training. I have requested a second opinion to Stanford Medical Center.

The fungal infection in the brain dura is hopefully diminishing with the medication. Tests are still being done to see if I should/could be on both fungal medications to knock it out. The Docs on the case are discussing neurosurgery if the fungal mass increases. A future MRI is planned, but as long as the symptoms of headache and neck pain don't increase, we will give the medication some time to work.

I have been pondering Psalms 86 a lot over the last week or so. It's a prayer of David's to hear God's voice for direction. During much of the last 8 months it's been hard for me to hear God. Between the physical fatigue, hospital medications, and my own personal dealing with cancer and a deathly fungal infection, it frankly has been hard to be intimate with God - to the point of hearing Him. Please don't take this as me being carnal spiritually. It has more to do with grieving the losses of this illness and how it has turned our world up side down. I think it something you need to experience to understand. I feel God's love, peace, and presence daily. I just don't hear Him regarding the cancer or fungus. Do I follow the Docs direction (which has saved my life, but also placed me in life threatening positions) or by faith receive the guidance of prayer through biblical prophecy? Or both, yet how? I'm abit confused. That's why your prayers have been so important. I have had several people share that they have heard from God, including Gabriela, that I will be healed from this and even as soon as by March 2008. That doesn't align with what the docs say or the treatments that they are advising.

I am at a place where I personally need to hear from God. That's why Psalm 86 has been my prayer and will continue to be my prayer as I seek Him. Honestly, this is very new for me. I need more than circumstantial alignment or fleecing (as many use to hear from God). I desire that the still small voice that Elijah experienced. I don't know if God will speak to me that way, but He will speak. Pray I have spiritual eyes and ears to hear it.

Again, thank you for your prayers...there's a warfare going on and I need you to stand with me.

His blessings,



Anonymous said...

Hi Rosenthals!!!

Just wanted to encourage you just because this does get to be a long and arduous road. I don't know what its like, but I've walked with many in your place. I don't know if your doctor mentioned this to you, but we see lukemia as a weed. Remission is when you see the plant gone from the ground up. But to be cured is to be rid of the root system as well - otherwise the weed comes back and stronger than before. We're praying for you. I'm not going to tell you what to do - but just remember that it also took Job a while to hear from the Lord. Just remember that He's hearing you, He is always on time, His time is not our time, but He hears you.

I'm praying for you - that you hear from the Lord for direction!

Lauri and Ryan

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly and Gabriella,
I feel like we have not kept in touch, and I'm sorry. We pray for you daily, but I know that your life is so busy with doctors appoinments and needing to rest and just normal daily life so I haven't called or dropped by for fear of interupting or catching you at a bad time. Please know that we think about you a lot (especially on Tuesdays when we go by your nck of the woods on the way to violin) and that if there is something that we could help with we are more than ready to help out. Merry Christmas; we love you both!
Laura and Miles

Anonymous said...

My eyes fill with tears as I read your posting. I have never dealt with health issues, but I have dealt with "not hearing God." The awesome part is when we look back to those times (not necessarily when we are enduring them) we can see how he was there through it all, how he was weaving a story that would bring honor and glory to his name in the end. You are on such a journey my friend. He is with you. He is carrying you. He loves you. Open his word and find comfort. He has a plan for you and it's a good one...Satan may have meant if for evil, but God means it for good!

Kelly, on this side of Heaven, we may never understand why you had to endure these trials, but be sure you will have an "aha" moment that is going to blow you away some day! He loves you! These trials only serve to make us stronger! Know that you are a child of the King!


Anonymous said...


David provides such an awesome example in his Psalms. He frequently began his Psalms seemingly from despair, crying out in bitter honesty to his Holy Father over his afflictions. However, in each of those Psalms, David also speaks of an assurance that God will indeed be there to deliver him or to speak to him in order to know His will. My prayer is that you hear God's response to your own honest cries, and that you take comfort in the fact that many of your brothers in Christ are continually in prayer for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Gabriela, recuerdale a tu viejo el dicho mexicano de lo que nos dice Dios........ "Ayudate, que YO te ayudare!!!" La FE mueve montañas es cierto, pero tambien es cierto que por eso Dios nos regalo la ciencia que ya lo salvo una ves.

Una Reflexion:
En una inundacion un señor queda en el techo de su casa, se pone de rodillas y empieza a orar pidiendo a Dios que lo salve.
Pasa una lancha y el les dice que no se va con ellos, porque esta esperando a que Dios lo salve, luego pasa un salvavidas y le dice lo mismo, luego pasa un tronco de un arbol, pero el sigue de rodillas orando....por fin muere y llegando al cielo le pregunta a Dios porque no lo escucho....a lo que Dios contesta....."Si YO te mande la lancha, luego al salvavidas, luego al tronco, ...pero tu no pusiste atencion ......"

Maru Courtney y Familia