Friday, August 24, 2007

Hello dear family and friends.
Well, we certainly are learning a lot about ourselves through this process and one of the things I am learning is that I isolate when I am struggling. Sorry that we have not been updating the blog. It has been a hard week emotionally. This week has been uneventful in all the right ways, (Kelly is at home and able to work somewhat) and eventful in all the right ways, (Andrew and Sarah started school and they are loving it.) Brianna and I are lonely without them at home and Anneliese could care less. We are so thankful that they are going to a great school and beginning to make friends.
Kelly is very tired but functioning. The fungus treatment is worse then the chemo as far as side effects goes but, we are getting through it. We are both weary. Kelly is tired of being tired and feeling sick and I am deflated and tired. I guess there is an underlying concern about the timing of the fungus dieing and the cancer returning. We have been told that Kelly might have to have lung surgery before chemo begins again in order to remove any dead tissue from what they suspect the fungus has killed. They will do a biopsy first.
Anyway... I think we are grieving the loss of life as it used to be and we are being stretch in what Jesus meant to take His yolk upon us and learn from him because he is gentle and humble of heart and then we will find rest for our souls. We also are learning what it means to be thankful when we encounter various trial knowing that our faith is being tested and that we are producing endurance. Its strange how we have known these verses for so long and even lived them to some degree and yet they feel new again.
We continue to remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood, (fungus and leukemia) and we are standing firm in Christ alone. He is truly our strength and we praise Him for it. We covet your prayers. Please believe God is sustaining us through them. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Some old friends have asked us to post our address so here it is.

Kelly and Gabriela Rosenthal
824 E. Buckhill Rd.
Fresno, CA 93720


Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly & Gabriella,
How my heart goes out to you at this time. You are in my prayers and I know God is strengthing you, and know that He is walking every step of the way with you. You are facing a battle, but you are doing it with such a strength in Jesus that you are an encouragement to all who know you. I am praying for the kids going to school and know that this is also a hard adjustment, but also know that they will be a light and a testimony for Jesus. You are just doing an outreach for Jesus a little differently than you had planned to do. Will be praying for the kiddos in school. Thank you for taking the time to update your info. Love you Barb

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to let you know I am praying continually...spent some time this morning for you all but especially for you were heavy on my heart and the word that came to me was weary...this was before I checked in on you website...I can painfully remember the weariness and at times I felt I could not hold on but then the Lord would remind me in His word that His grace is sufficient and when I am weary He is favorite verse during our walk with Leukemia was Habakkuk 3:17-19. Love you all, Claudia

Unknown said...

Kelly and Gabriela,
My prayers do continue for you both as well as your precious children. I continue to be devastated by what you are going through and wish you didn't have this huge challenge before you. I admire your continued trust in the Lord and can identify with your grief over the loss of life as it was. You are learning endurance and it's no fun. You are very dear to me and I pray that the Lord strengthen you daily and I am praying that you, Kelly will not have to have lung surgery. I'm sorry that the side effects of the fungus treatment are worse than that of the chemo. I love you both.

Unknown said...

You two are an inspiration for all of us. We will continue to keep both of you and your kids in our prayers. Thank you for sharing all that you are going through. You both have blessed us with your hearts for others and your strength in Him.

With you in prayer,

Sarah and Jarrod Kiyuna

Anonymous said...

We love you all.
Byron & Diane Low

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I was doing my Bible study this morning and came across a verse I know Kelly knows well.(Memories of Koininia came flooding back. :)) It has comforted me, and I hope it can bolster you guys too.
Romans 15:13--May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in in Him, so you may over flow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We love you guys,
Robert and Christy Wise. (Kota and Conner too.)

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly and Gabriella - Thank you for the August 24th update. Your strength and wisdom in your ordeal is an inspiration to us. We continue you to hold you up before the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Gabriella-

You continue to be in my prayers. I have learned so much about trusting God through the dark times by witnessing your faith through your blog entries. May you feel His comfort and know that we hold you up to Him as you walk through this valley.
-Kaye Rush