Sunday, August 19, 2007

It's a waiting game...

Hi Friends,

There has not been much to post in the last week. I have been off the chemo so that my white blood cell count would increase to fight the fungal infection. I may have another week or two of antibiotics treatments before we know anything. Meanwhile the sinuses are still recovering from the surgery and I am thankful for pain meds.

The Doc wants to biopsy the pneumonia in my lung and if fungal, he will want to remove that small portion of the lung (Oh boy, another surgery and hospital stay). If it's not fungal in nature than we continue to treat it with antibiotics and the chemo treatments can continue. So that's where thing stand at this time.

I'm back to work which has been very nice and now racing to get ready for the Fall kick-off of small groups. I'm praying for gifted couples to lead 10 new groups. Finding them and training them will be a big task between now and September.

Gabriela is dealing with a lot these days. We decided to enroll Andrew and Sarah in public school this year with the many challenges ahead of us. This is extremely hard for Gabriela because she loves to home school and be the primary influencer on our kids. We believe public school will be good for both Andrew and Sarah and that they have a good foundation to stand firm in the faith. Still it will be another adjustment for us.

We are so encouraged by the cards, blog postings, and calls we receive from many of you. The Lord has done some amazing things that Gabriela will likely share in our next blog. Prayer changes things and we have witnessed it over and over again. Thank you.

His blessings,



Anonymous said...

Hi guys!

God has put you on our hearts a lot recently. We continue to pray for His healing and strength for you during these trying times.
We'll keep praying!

The George's

Anonymous said...


Just want you to know that I continue to pray for you and your family, for God's strength and best to you each day.


Micah Foster said...

We love you!
Micah & Erica

Anonymous said...

We love you all and we are praying for you.
Byron & Diane Low

Anonymous said...

We're praying for you Kelly! You and your family! I know that this is a long road, and can get so complicated. I'm glad you're able to get back to work. Wash your hands often. Chlorox wipes to disinfect your phone and all are your friends. Keep your eyes upward!

Ryan and Lauri Ficke
(yup, we're married as of this past Sat! Woohoo!!!)

Anonymous said...

Kelly & Gabriela,
May God just keep loving on you guys as you continue this journey. My prayers for you are regular.
Love, Jackie

Anonymous said...

Hi Rosenthal Family,

I am thinking about you guys and praying for you.

Take Care,

Tanya Uribes
Trinity Church

Anonymous said...

My dear cousins:
I can only say I´m still with you all, every day. I know prayers do change things inside of us and around. I know, as a fact, God listens. I know that the strenght that comes out of being in touch with Him is unequal to anything else. Thinking about you makes me stronger because that´s what you erradiate. I know for sure that you will keep up with the good work you´ve shown all your life. Thank you for sharing and making me stronger and I hope, that at least a little little bit, my words can help you like your example has helped me. Muchos muchos besos y más cariños de su prima Maite. Blessings